India is a huge country, covering an area of 3.28 square kilometers, or 2.4% of the world’s land surface area
It occupies the second place in terms of world population, accounting for 15% of the world’s population. Even though the economy of India has diversified over the last few decades, agriculture still remains the means of livelihood for over 50% of Indian population.
India has numerous reasons to worry about the impacts of climate change in the country.
Over 50% of its population is dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as forestry and agriculture for their livelihood. An unconditional weather condition as a result of recession of glaciers, increased flooding, etc. may impact water availability which would in turn threaten food security and become a cause for the decline of natural ecosystems such as species that sustain the livelihood of rural communities, and also hamper the coastal system as a result of rise in sea level. Not only this, climate change will also affect the achieving of important national development goals related to habitat, environment, energy demands, health, etc.
Martin Foundation works towards creating a self sufficient India which has the capability to sustain a bad monsoon, flood or unavailability of water. Our climate change programs are a step towards relieving natural disasters and climate change.