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why is tree plantation important in the todays world

4 June

why is tree plantation important in the todays world

The value and purpose of trees are enormous, and their existence is vital to our survival. Trees help fight global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide, and removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen into the air.

They also reduce wind speed and cool the air by losing moisture and reflecting heat from their leaves. Trees are said to be able to cool cities down by up to 7°C.

Other environmental benefits include the fact that they help prevent flooding and soil erosion by absorbing thousands of gallons of rainwater.

Trees help improve air quality by intercepting and capturing dust and other air pollutants. Shade from trees also provides a useful barrier against the sun's harmful UV rays/p>

Being surrounded by trees or participating in outdoor activities can significantly reduce stress and depression

Trees act as a point of reference in a neighborhood and encourage pride for the people within that community.

Trees and forest areas can be used to bring people together for educational purposes. They also organize activities such as hiking or bird watching. Plus, they give children a place to play and experience a sense of adventure.

People, animals, and the environment depend on trees for survival. By planting more trees, it will contribute to global reforestation efforts, restore lost forests, restore damaged ecosystems and mitigate climate change.

Planting trees is recognized as one of the most fun and environmentally friendly activities that people can undertake for the benefit of the earth. Trees offer numerous long and short-term benefits. Not only do they look good, but they also help minimize the risk of flooding, improve air quality, and reduce the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and providing shade.

A tree plantation, also known as a forest plantation, plantation forest, or lumber plantation, is a forest created for timber production volumes, usually as a monoculture forest.

Why are trees important to the environment?

Over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity may be found in trees, which also help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and offer habitat. Forests provide jobs for over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.

Rising carbon dioxide concentrations caused by deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels trap heat in the atmosphere.

Trees play a key role in harvesting rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. Their intricate root systems act as filters, removing pollutants and slowing the absorption of water into the soil. This process prevents harmful erosion of water slides and reduces the risk of oversaturation and flooding.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Association, a mature evergreen tree can catch more than 15,000 gallons of water per year.

Martin Foundation is continuously taking initiative to create a healthy and happy environment. It has organized many plant-sapling programs and planted trees to make Dr.Abdul Kalam’s dreams come true.