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Empowering Women and Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow

14 Dec

Empowering Women and Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow

Our work focuses on Women and Girls

Women make up half of the world's population - and are still disadvantaged and discriminated around the world to this day. However, from our experience, we know that advances that are made for women are also advances for their families and their entire community.

Our founder "The Lottery King" Mr. Martin Santiago believes in supporting women and girls in their struggle for comprehensive and equal human rights. Our aim is to empower women and enable them to participate in important decisions. We are committed to the creation of new income opportunities, political participation for women and girls and support them with health and hygiene projects specially tailored to their needs.

Women- The Silent Sufferers

Women and children are hardest hit by poverty, and women do not have the same opportunities and rights as men.

Fewer women are allowed to go to school, they earn less and own land less often than men. They have fewer opportunities for their own income, and are more often exposed to violence in the home, in the workplace and in society in general.

Women are also hit hard when there is poor access to health services, especially in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

Women are the key to eradicating poverty

TIf women work, decide over their own bodies and use their own voice, there will be less hunger, less poverty, less violence and more justice. Only when a women get the opportunity, they make a big difference - both for themselves and for the world.

We work with women - give them knowledge, strength and the opportunity to manage on their own.

The ripple effects of investing in women are great. Children, families and the surrounding community thrive when women thrive.

It's A Wrap

We put women and girls at the center of our work. We are committed to a world of hope, inclusion and social justice in which poverty is conquered and all people live in dignity and security.

Martin Foundation- The sister concern of "Martin Enterprises" aims at empowering women and enable them to effectively participate in all of the decisions that determine their lives, that will help them question inequalities and demand equal rights and opportunities.